
  • Haven't blogged here in forever!

    I usually blog nowadays over at Welcome to My Daily Life. I must admit though, I have not been blogging much over there either. Hoping to start again really soon. It has been a crazy year since that last post. My husband went in for a liver transplant in April. Because he was pretty healthy and strong he was only to be there at most, a week. Things took a bad turn when the new liver cracked open while in surgery. It's been a long journey but it has an awesome ending! If you are interested, you can read all about it starting here...

  • Day 17: Am I named after anyone?

    Day 17: Am I named after anyone?

    I most certainly am.  I am named after this wonderful person below.

    A1momandme That would be my mom.  For some reason, my dad wanted me to have her name.  I also inherited the middle name as well but I am thankful mom was able to change his mind.  That middle initial was the only thing that kept us apart.  Now that I married, I don’t have that problem as much. 

    One of the disadvantages of having the same name was being called at home by my dad.  We would here.. “Linda!”  Both mom and I would shout, “Which one?”  Another disadvantage is that I am now stuck with the title, “Little Linda” forever.


    With that being sad, I named my son, David.  Now I thought we were in the clear since my Dad is David Anthony, and my brothers are William Andrew and Michael David.  I had loved the name David since I was a little girl and begged my parents to give Mike that name. 

    I figured, I was safe.  So I named him David Andrew. He would get my brothers and father’s names without it being confusing. 

    Um.. No.  My dad soon needed a copy of his birth certificate.  When he got that copy it was discovered that his actual name is David Antony. (no h) Which now means not only does my son have his first name, he also has his middle intial.  Talk about confusing!  Thankfully, everyone calls my dad Tony, although I know David is proud to carry his Papa’s name. 


  • My Least Favorite Chore

    Note: I am really behind on the 31 Day Challenge, however, I am not going to quit.  I would like to finish this to the end.   Day 16 - Your least favorite chore.

    I could think on this one all day.  Chores are constant.  Some of the most dreaded must do’s are ..


    The dreaded dishes!  Seriously!  This is never ending.  This sink is never actually clean.  I do not have a dishwasher or much counter space.. so those dishes must be hand washed and dried.  We won’t even get into the drying part.  That was my chore as a teen and the dislike for it followed into adulthood.  Although I don’t think I complain about it as much as I did as a teen.  How did my mom ever put up with me.  LOL. 

    I know.  I could have Anna do the dishes, but that means I would have to re-wash many of them.  Seriously, I might as well get it done right the first time.  I would ask David but he is hardly ever here.  Angel does them once in a while.. but that leaves me to do them a good 4 times a day. 

    However, seeing dishes in the sink reminds me that we have enough food in the house.  Everyone gets to eat until they are content, and believe me, everyone does!  There have been times that I will panic over finances or groceries, however I am thankful that we have always had food in our pantry and fridge.  It may not be what we want, however we do not go hungry. 


    Laundry is another chore that is never ending.  Although I really shouldn’t complain too much.  We do have a washer and a dryer.  Sometimes I start feeling really guilty because I should hang my clothes to dry.  I told my husband not to purchase a dryer when we got married, but he didn’t listen.  We used to live in an apartment complex and they cut our clothesline because they said it made the place look bad.  The lines were in the back yard away from the road.  I will never understand that one.  So that is when hubby put his foot down and bought a dryer. 

    I just got flashbacks of me as a teen, washing my brothers jeans in the bathtub.  Or walking to the laundry mat with mom every week with tons of laundry being dragged behind us.  Washing clothes in a washer and dryer is not something I should complain about at all. 


    The last chore that I complain about the most is cleaning the cluttered area.  The fireplace tends to be crowded with toys and playdoh and magazines.  Paperwork tends to end up in those baskets.  I really dislike cleaning this area. 


    Then there is the cubby that used to hold my laptop.  Now it has become an area for school books, card games and bubbles.  All those odds and ends in the house tends to find their way here. 

    However, I am thankful I get to be home for my daughter.  I am able to home school her and spend my days with her.  I really need to treasure this time in her life more often.  I also get to spend alot of time with my grandson.  I will never get these moments back.  All these things are temporary.  While I know that I can strive to be more organized and clutter free.. these are not what I want to put above the children in my life. 

    Now dusting, that is one chore I will never understand! 

  • Friday News, Busy Saturday, Lazy Sunday

    Friday – Angel went in for his Colonoscopy.  They said that the antibodies for Celiac is really high, and while they did rule that out recently, they need to look into it again.  Angel will have to swallow a camera.  Angel talked to them about Anna and the doc said she will most definitely be affected.  We decided to hold off til we know for sure this time.  Maybe going gluten free somehow ruined the test last time.

    Friday night, Anna had her performance at a Nursing Home.  I stayed home and Angel took some pics. 

    When they got home we watched The Secret of Moonacre (I think).  We really enjoyed that one.

    Saturday was busy.  We rushed to the first Nursing Home.  We were able to watch the performance from the back but I was not able to take videos or pictures.  Being at the homes was a bit sad for me.  I just kept thinking of my Gram.  She would have loved to see Anna dance.  I really miss her.

    After the first nursing home, we rushed to grab a lunch at McD’s, Then headed off to Jazz class. From there we headed to the next nursing home.  This one had a good size cafeteria and I was able to get some video footage.  whoo hoo. We headed over to Walmart for some grocery shopping, ended up stopping at their McD’s for ice cream first.  We were supposed to hit the library and post office but I was so tired.  Anna looked exhausted as well.  So we just headed home.  It was almost 5pm when we walked in the door.

    Sunday was lazy day for us.  None of us felt well.  Ethan came around 12:30 and spent the afternoon with us.  We watched Megamind.  Not bad at all.  The kids really enjoyed it.  I recorded them while they were sitting on my lap after the movie.


  • Something that bugs you..



    Day 15 - Something that bugs you.

    I am behind.  Way behind.  Mainly because of the week with my mom and traveling to and from the Hartford Hospital.  This week isn’t any easier as hubby is at the hospital right now and Anna has alot of dance performances this weekend. 

    So I will catch up some how.  It is ok if I am late. 

    Let’s see something that bugs me. 

    Woman who tickle in public bathrooms and leave a mess for the next person!

    Seriously, as women, I figure they would be considerate of others when they are done in public restrooms.  I hate having to use a public bathroom, but even more I hate bringing my daughter or even my grandson in one.  I am sometimes appalled when I see the condition of the toilet seat.  I always always always check the seat before I leave the bathroom.  Which leads to another thing that bugs me. 

    Bathrooms that do not have paper towels.  I understand the need to save the enviroment.  But when you have a messy toilet seat and no other seat to use.. it helps to have paper towels to clean such seats with (and sometimes the floor too!)  Toilet paper won’t do in this situation.  When you have a young one that desperately needs to use the potty.. you can’t just leave in search of another bathroom! 

    Not to mention the really loud dryers that young children tend to be afraid of.. it is hard enough when I have to hold my hand over the automatic flusher so it won’t send the child screaming and running into the corner of the stall.  Now my child or grandchild has to leave with wet hands because he is terrified of the dryer as well. 

    and honestly folks, have you ever actually seen the paper that is supposed to be in the koala care changing tables for your use?  I have never ever seen actual paper.. When traveling with a young child I tend to always bring receiving blankets.. but not with a toddler who needs to be changed. 

    So I guess I have issues with public bathrooms.  hmm..

  • Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 14

    Day 14 - One thing you want to do before you die.

    I want to see my daughter get married and be there for the birth of her first child. 

  • Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 13

    Day 13 - How do I relax. 

    There was a time when relaxing meant a really long bubble bath.  (Calgon take me away!)  I would bring in a nice book to read during my long bath.  However, after pulling a ligament, I am not able to actually get down into the bathroom and up again.  So bath are sadly missed for now. 

    If I really want to relax, there are a few things I do. 

    Pull out a good book to read.

    Watch a good Asian Drama on my laptop

    or get into a really good jigsaw puzzle with music playing

  • Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 12

    Day 11 - Something I do every day

    This one is easy. 

    • Every day I wake around 6am.
    • Every day I make smoothies
    • Every day I do the dishes, over and over and over again
    • Every day I write what hubby eats in a food journal
    • Every day I remind Anna to brush her hair and teeth
    • Every day I kiss Anna and hubby good night

  • Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 11

    Day 11 - A Photo that makes you laugh.

    Need I say more?

  • Photo & Prompt Challenge: Day 10

    Day 10 - Favorite room in the house

    Our house has been in 'fixing' mode since we bought the house.  I have not been okay with my house for a long time now.  Basically since my husband decided we didn't need the blue paneling in the living room and hallway.. or the wall to wall carpet in the living/dining/hallway.  Since then, things have constantly been in need of repair.  We finally fixed the messed up walls (thick tacky like glue that was holding the paneling up)in the main rooms.  We still need to work on our bedroom, Kitchen, bathroom shower wall.  The list just keeps going. 

    With my son's help, we were able to get the Living Room looking so much better.  However, we did not have a couch or money for a couch.  Our last couch was infested with fleas.  This was the year we got rid of the chickens we had.  I guess the fleas were getting back at us because they were awful.  So we tossed the couch.  We sat in two kitchen type chairs to watch TV at night.  We also had a huge table in the living room.  It was just bad.

    As David and his girlfriend were driving.. they saw someone put a couch on the curb.  They immediately called us and we rushed down to look.  It was in great shape.  Not a single tear.  They also had a recliner out.  We could not fit the recliner in the van so sadly we left it.  Well David and Abby grabbed the chair for us.

    In the picture above, we had just purchased a rug and still had to cut down the mat underneath.  This may not look awesome to many, but to this lady who spent a year without a Living Room.  It was pefect! 

    Now I finally enjoy family nights when I can sit and cozy up to hubby.  Much more relaxing than sitting in kitchen chairs!